
I would like to suggest that those of you who want reading material more often than every other month order in between those back issues that you do not already have. Nos. 1,2,4,6,7,8,12,26 are out of print and there are not many 16s,17s and some others left. But there are sufficient of the others. Noth- ing in TVia is dated and the stories, articles and other material in Nos.3 and 5 (earliest issues still available) for example, are just as interesting and pertinent as the issue you are now reading. In add- ition to this many of the problems and interests of readers who have joined us in the last couple of years were discussed long ago in earlier issues. For ex- ample in Nos. 28,29,30 and 32 there is a series of four articles by Beatrice on "What to Wear" telling all about sizes, styles, suitable types, colors and materials for various kinds of figures etc. Yet every now and then a new reader wants to know something a- bout these matters. It has all been done in the past and I cant very well fill new issues with rehashes of past material or the old time readers would have a justifiable gripe. So order the back issues wheth- er one at a time or in the 6 for $20 back issue deal.

Along this same line. some awfully good material appeared in the Femme Mirror. There are still varios amounts of about 32 different issues in stock and at half the original price, namely 50¢ each in a mini- mum of six at a time you certainly cant beat it. Of course, for those who like scrap book materia there are also the back issues of the Clipsheet which can be had separately at the same price figure (same min- imum) or mixed as you wish with the Mirror so long as it is a $3 minimum order.

So thats how it is. I hope you understand the necessity for these changes and will cooperate with them. Remember for advance orders only, if you want to know for sure that the order was received and re- corded send me a card in a stamped addressed envelope and I'll return it to you. In fact you can always get quicker answers with such cards on any subject.